Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Little Sneak Peek..

Here is a little peek at what I have been working on lately. I don't do a lot of really long projects and when I do, it has to be something I really like. So I am of Irish decent and Celtic things are all wonderful to me so when I found the pattern for the Celtic Knot Square on youtube I just had to make it into...something! It is a six inch square and seems really hard at first but I have the pattern memorized now and it goes along faster but, even still, I can only get a couple squares done in an evening after work.

The second square just popped up on my facebook feed shortly after I started making the Celtic squares and even though it isn't exactly Celtic I felt it went perfectly with my Celtic squares. It is called the Cabled Blooms 12" Afghan Square. It is not a difficult square but there are 16 rows and it just takes a very long time to finish a square. It may take me forever and I may do a couple small projects in between but I am determined to get it done! 

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